concrete batch truck Amhara Water Works Construction Enterprise
Release Date: 2022-03-11 Views:

types of Concrete Batch Plants

Normally, a concrete batch plant can be of two types, depending upon how the mixing is done and when the concrete reaches the job site. The first is a ready-mix plant, which involves combining all ingredients for the concrete except for water, which is added as the final ingredient during transportation to a job site. A Central-mix batch plant is another type. A central mix plant combines all ingredients for the concrete, including water, and then transported to the job site.
Ready-Mix Batch Plants

When ingredients for the concrete mixture (barring water) are combined using a ready-mix concrete batch plant, the dry mixture is disposed of into a concrete transport truck where water is added to it. This gets the concrete ready for production. This mixing occurs when the truck is on its way to the job site.

There are basically three different options that you have if you are going to be using ready-mixed concrete:

The concrete mixer can be turned at slow speed while inside the drum during transit, at which point the speed for the mixing drum can be increased for five minutes to prepare the mixture.

The concrete mixture can be mixed at the mixing yard and only slowly agitated during transportation to the job site.

The concrete mixture can be turned at medium speed while inside the drum during transit so that it can be completely mixed by the time it reaches its destination.
Central-Mix Batch Plants

Central-mix batch plants, also known as “wet batch” plants, are another primary method of concrete batching. Central-mix plants combine and mix all ingredients for the concrete before the mix is discharged into a mixing truck for transportation to a job site. A fixed, plant-mounted mixer (that resembles a silo) is used to mix all the ingredients.

There are a number of advantages of using central-mix batch plants to mix concrete, such as:

Concrete can be mixed a lot faster in central-mix plants than in truck mixers.

Using a central-mix plant does not place as much strain or wear and tear on concrete-mixing trucks.

You can achieve an overall consistent mixture with a central-mix plant than you can with a truck mixer.

As you can see, concrete can be mixed in a variety of ways. The method which you employ for concrete production depends on your cost, the timeline of a project, and the quality of concrete product with which you will be satisfied.
Looking for the best ready mix concrete supplier in Dallas, TX?

Big D Ready Mix Concrete is a leading ready mix concrete supplier in Dallas. We can provide ready mix concrete in any volume for all kinds of jobs at prices that are hard to beat. Partnering with us for your concrete needs can save you the time in the tedious mixing works as we have the right mixing equipment and expertise in mixing the concrete according to your desired requirements with no wastage. Simply put, ordering concrete from us will save you money, speed up the construction work and reward you with highly sustainable structures.