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Release Date: 2022-08-04 Views:


1. equal diameter steel mold specification and conical steel mold specification.
2. good service before and after sale concrete street pole moulding machine.

The centrifuge is in the implementation international JC/T882 1,996 foundations, especially for the production annular reinforced concrete telephone pole, distribution, and drainage pipe manufactures. Its principle is in makes the centrifugal force using the object which the circular motion produces, causes the concrete to carry on the synthesis dense processing, enables in the unit concrete mixture through the centrifuge high speed rotation to obtain the quite big dense energy, can enable the concrete compactness in a shorter time to meet the anticipated requirements.


1. Saving a great deal of steel, about 30~70% (employing cold drawn steel wire can save 30%~60%; employing high stress steel wire can save 40%~69%).
2. Crack resistance can increase about 3~5 times.
3. Rigidity increases 1~3 times.
4. Reducing the cost (using cold drawn steel wire can reduce 25%~40%; using high stress steel wire can reduce 12%~21%).
5. Good durability, can delay the existence and expansion of cracks.
6. Protect the environment on which human beings depend on for existence, and reduce the deforestation.


Boheng pe pipe welding machine

Boheng pe pipe welding machine

Boheng pe pipe welding machine is one of the most popular welding machines in the market. It is a versatile, easy-to-use welding machine that can be used for a variety of applications. This machine features a automatic control system that makes it easy to weld different types of materials.

What is Boheng pe pipe welding machine?

Boheng pe pipe welding machine is a new type of welding machine that can weld the most difficult materials, such as stainless steel and aluminum. What makes this machine so special is its ability to use a high-frequency current to heat the metal so it can be welded together.

This technology has made it possible for manufacturers to create products that are both strong and lightweight. Because Boheng pe pipe welding machine uses less energy than traditional methods, it is also environmentally friendly.

Advantages of Boheng pe pipe welding machine

Advantages of the Boheng pe pipe welding machine over other types of welding machines include: its portability, small size, low noise, and easy operation. Additionally, the Boheng pe pipe welding machine can be used for a variety of materials, including stainless steel, aluminum, and copper.

Disadvantages of Boheng pe pipe welding machine

The Boheng pe pipe welding machine is a popular option for welders who need a simple and affordable way to weld steel pipes. However, there are some drawbacks to this machine that should be considered before making a purchase. First, the Boheng pe pipe welding machine is not very powerful, so it may not be able to handle thicker pipes. Additionally, the Boheng pe pipe welding machine is also not very accurate, so it may require some adjustments during the welding process.

How to use Boheng pe pipe welding machine?

1. Obtain the Boheng pe pipe welding machine and get started.
2. Adjust the welding parameters to achieve the best results.
3. Weld the pipe using the Boheng pe pipe welding machine.
4. Clean up the welding area afterwards.


If you are looking for a boheng pe pipe welding machine, then we highly recommend the Lincoln Welding Machine. This machine is incredibly versatile and can be used to weld a variety of different types of metal pipes. It also features an easy-to-use control panel, which makes it perfect for beginners or those who are new to welding machines.

Boheng pe pipe welding machine