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Release Date: 2022-08-04 Views:


1. equal diameter steel mold specification and conical steel mold specification.
2. good service before and after sale concrete street pole moulding machine.

The centrifuge is in the implementation international JC/T882 1,996 foundations, especially for the production annular reinforced concrete telephone pole, distribution, and drainage pipe manufactures. Its principle is in makes the centrifugal force using the object which the circular motion produces, causes the concrete to carry on the synthesis dense processing, enables in the unit concrete mixture through the centrifuge high speed rotation to obtain the quite big dense energy, can enable the concrete compactness in a shorter time to meet the anticipated requirements.


1. Saving a great deal of steel, about 30~70% (employing cold drawn steel wire can save 30%~60%; employing high stress steel wire can save 40%~69%).
2. Crack resistance can increase about 3~5 times.
3. Rigidity increases 1~3 times.
4. Reducing the cost (using cold drawn steel wire can reduce 25%~40%; using high stress steel wire can reduce 12%~21%).
5. Good durability, can delay the existence and expansion of cracks.
6. Protect the environment on which human beings depend on for existence, and reduce the deforestation.


5mm PC Wire for concrete poles

5mm PC Wire for concrete poles

Concrete poles are an important part of any construction project, and it's important to use the right wire for the job. In this article, we'll take a look at 5mm PC wire, which is a popular option for concrete poles.

What is 5mm PC Wire?

PC wire is a type of wire that is used to reinforce concrete poles. It is made up of smaller wires that are tightly woven together. This makes it stronger than other types of wire, and it can also be more flexible.

5mm PC wire is the most common type of PC wire, and it is often used to reinforce concrete poles. It is also used to create fences, guardrails, and other structures.

If you need to reinforce a concrete pole, 5mm PC wire is the best option. It is strong enough to withstand a lot of stress, and it also has a high tensile strength.

If you are planning on reinforcing a concrete pole, make sure to get 5mm PC wire. It will not only be effective, but it will also be durable and reliable.

What are the benefits of using 5mm PC Wire for concrete poles?

There are many benefits to using 5mm PC Wire for concrete poles. Here are just a few:

-5mm PC Wire is strong and durable. It can hold up to a lot of weight and strain, which makes it a good choice for concrete poles.
-5mm PC Wire is easy to install. You can simply screw it into the pole and you're ready to go.
-5mm PC Wire is affordable. It's not as expensive as other types of wire, so you can afford to buy more of it.
-5mm PC Wire is eco-friendly. It doesn't damage trees or other plants, which is a big benefit compared to other types of wire.

How to install 5mm PC Wire for concrete poles

In this blog post, we will show you how to install 5mm PC Wire for concrete poles. This wire is a great solution for installing solar panels, security cameras, and other electrical devices.

First, you will need to gather the materials that you will need for this installation. You will need a drill, jigsaw, wire cutters, and a hammer.

Next, cut the wire into the necessary lengths. Make sure that the wires are long enough to reach all of the devices that you want to install.

Now, it is time to start installing the wires. First, place one end of the wire in the drill hole. Then, use the hammer to pound the wire into place. Make sure that the wire is tight against the pole surface.

Once the wire is installed, use the jigsaw to cut off any excess material. Finally, use the wire cutters to remove any extra wires from around the pole.


If you're looking for a low-cost way to wire concrete poles for outdoor signage or other purposes, 5mm PC wire is a great option. This type of wire is easy to work with and can be installed quickly and easily, making it a popular choice among DIYers and contractors. If you're in need of some 5mm PC wire for your next project, be sure to check out our selection online today!

5mm PC Wire for concrete poles